When is Fortnite Mobile Coming Back
When is Fortnite mobile coming back? Epic Games and Nvidia had promised a version of Fortnite for iOS and Android in November 2022, but there was no clear date. The developers labeled the project as “coming soon,” assuming that it would be released sometime in the future. In November, however, the game was pulled from Apple’s App Store and Google’s Play Store. So, when is Fortnite mobile coming back?
Apple and Fortnite have been at odds for a while now, but a settlement was made on August 13. Both companies have been accused of violating Apple’s terms of service, which means that the game may never come back to the iOS App Store. Regardless, Epic Games will have to pay 30 percent of the $12 million in damages to make up for this setback. While the lawsuit looks like it will take many years to resolve, a possible resolution could be reached.
When is Fortnite Mobile Coming Back?
The court order also says that Epic Games must pay 30% of the $12 million in damages that Apple has assessed, and that they must restore the developers’ developer account. If the lawsuit is successful, Fortnite will remain blacklisted in the Apple ecosystem until all appeals are exhausted. But if the deal is not reached, it may be difficult for the game to return to mobile. So, what can Fortnite do? Let’s hope it will be back soon.
When is Fortnite mobile coming back? The closed beta of Fortnite will be available to iOS and Android users on January 20. In the meantime, Epic Games has decided to appeal Apple’s decision. The company has also confirmed that Fortnite will remain blacklisted in Apple’s eco-system. In the meantime, it will be accessible on Android devices via third-party payments, which means that players will have more options to pay.
The game is still not available in the Apple App Store, so iOS users can’t download the game from their iPhone. This is due to the fact that the game’s creator, Epic Games, has implemented a payment method that bypasses Apple’s App Store’s payment system. It’s now possible to purchase Fortnite for iOS devices through Apple’s in-app store. Although it’s not in the AppStore yet, it will be available in iOS and Android devices.
Epic Games has also said that they’ll continue to work with Apple on its mobile strategy game. The company has been working on this problem for a while now and is considering bringing it back in 2020. While this may seem to be a long time, it’s worth waiting for the game. Even if it’s not available right now, it will be available soon. The app store has already banned the game, but the game is not yet available on iOS.